If one wishes to get rid of the angels, one must radically revise Sacred Scripture itself, and with it the whole history of salvation.
~Pope John Paul II, General Audience: July 9th, 1986
Was the Star of Bethlehem Actually an Angel?
Just a few weeks ago – on December 21st to be exact – the planets of Jupiter and Saturn became aligned in the heavens. They looked like one huge “double planet” or star to the [...]
Lover of the Guardian Angels
Our Lady is the great lover of the Guardian Angels whose feast day we celebrate on October 2nd every year. She loves them because they are the angels closest to the human race. All angels [...]
The Angel Who Ordered an Emergency Baptism
Do angels intervene in sacraments? We know from our earliest instructions in the faith that angels exist and are concerned about our welfare. Anyone who has learned the traditional Guardian Angel Prayer (“Angel of God”) [...]
Queen of the Archangels
September concludes with the feast of those glorious spiritual beings that Christian Tradition acknowledges as the princes of the angelic world: the Archangels. The three named Archangels of Scripture are Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, and [...]
Advent Lessons From an Old Testament Priest
The Scriptures in Advent present us with a number of excellent role models of faith, but the father of John the Baptist is not one of them. Zechariah, a priest of the Law of Moses, [...]
Angels – Mysterious Guardians of Body and Soul
Angels may have different meanings to different people, but I can assure you that they are not little chubby babies with wings. Neither are they lifeless doctrines or pious maternal presence that keep little children [...]