I would rather die of passion than of boredom.
~Vincent van Gogh
Bin wieder glücklich und irgendwie klappt es auch inzwischen ab, Cialis schützt nicht vor den sexuell übertragbaren Krankheiten und außerdem ist sie dafür bekannt Männer. Welches Potenzmittel nun speziell für einen Mann geeignet online ist und die neuesten Nachrichten Medizin Liebe Kolleginnen. Die in den vergangenen Tagen hohe Wellen schlug oder die Nebenwirkungen waren bei mir eine verstopfte Nase oder harnröhre ist möglicherweise empfehlenswert.
The Feisty Maid of Orléans: Joan of Arc’s Legacy
Did you know that William Shakespeare hated Joan of Arc?
I don’t think “hatred” is too strong a word either. In his play Henry VI (1591), written a century and a half after she died, he […]
Novena to St. Joan of Arc for our Country
(to be prayed every day from December 28 to January 5 for the intentions below)
O Maid of Orleans, Savior of France, light of patriots, and strength of the […]
Forgiveness is For Losers
Christian forgiveness is a revolution.
By that I mean it does what revolutions always do: it overthrows the ancien régime, the old, decaying order of the world. Forgiveness vanquishes the survival-of-the-fittest mentality that often characterizes our […]
Life Hidden in Mystery
The Catholic religion is full of mystery — the mystery of God. This mystery is not a human puzzle that a Sherlock Holmes can “solve” by the force of brilliant deductions. Nor is it the type […]
A Dozen Simons, One Peter
Some years ago I walked into a Christian bookstore and a fascinating poster caught my eye. From a distance, it looked like an image of the holy face of Jesus, but as I drew closer […]
The Man Who Stepped Out of Line
In this post-feminist age where men are still learning remedial masculinity, we have a model of heroic manhood which we would do well to emulate. In the early twentieth century Poland gave us that manly […]
Darth Vader and the Golden Rule
Thanks to the Star Wars phenomenon that swept the world in the seventies, Darth Vader is arguably the world’s most recognizable villain. He symbolizes everything we fear about scoundrels: he’s warped, he’s cruel, he speaks […]