Natures of Fire: God’s Magnificent Angels

Natures of Fire: God’s Magnificent Angels



Paperback: 14.99

E-Book: 4.99 (Available from Amazon KDP only)




“Probably the only book on angels you’ll ever need!”

~Anthony DeStefano, bestselling author of A Travel Guide to Heaven

Real angels have nothing to do with the images you’ve seen on holy cards. Their natures are so full of God’s holiness that the only adequate image we have to describe them is fire.

Natures of Fire will teach you:

  • Nine myths about angels that you should stop believing right now;
  • That angels were not created to save you from car accidents (although they do that at times);
  • Why angels don’t actually sing;
  • The reason why there are no female angels;
  • The two classes of angels that have wings (and the seven that don’t);
  • Why you must avoid one type of angel if you value your life;
  • Angel art throughout history: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

This book will help you purge your mind of the false images of angels that our culture prefers and replace them with the vivid truths of the angelic world.


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