Books by Peter Darcy

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”

~ Benjamin Franklin

Announcing Peter’s Newest Book

Launch Date: March 5th

Praying with Fire: Learning the Pray the Catholic Way

“Whether you are a newcomer to prayer or an old hand, you will find plenty of food for thought in this brief treatise. And if you are like me, you will be surprised by connections the author makes that were staring you in the face for years that you never noticed before.”

~From the Foreword by Msgr. Charles R. Fink, Diocese of Rockville Center, NY

Publisher: Strength of Soul Books

Dimensions: 5.5″ x 8.5″

Publication Date: 3/5/25

Paperback: 979-8-9863161-2-3 ($11.99)

E-Book: 979-8-9863161-3-0 ($3.99) [Amazon only]

Pages: ___

Other Books on Faith & Leadership

No Knot Too Tight: Short Reflections on Mary, Undoer of Knots

“Like everyone else’s, our family has its share of relationship problems. Without going into the details, I have been praying about one situation in particular for three years. Not realizing her amazing power and influence, I said a prayer about this family knot to Our Lady Undoer of Knots. Within hours, two people who had not spoken to each other in years, were texting! I am cautiously optimistic and will keep on praying!”

~From an enthusiastic reader

Publisher: Strength of Soul Books

Dimensions: 5.5″ x 8.5″

Publication Date: 9/15/24

Paperback: 979-8-9863161-0-9 ($11.99)

E-Book: 979-8-9863161-1-6($3.99) [Amazon only]

Pages: 133

No-Nonsense Non-Profit: Leadership Principles for Church & Charity

“Peter Darcy reveals another side of his personality in this work: that of a hard-nosed administrator. The reader is treated to chapters dealing with core principles regarding: leadership, promotion, mission, organization, and performance—all considered in the light of solid Christian spirituality. Very useful for a pastor (including a bishop), principal, program director—or just a regular Christian in the business world.”

~Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas, PhD

Publisher: Strength of Soul Books

Dimensions: 5.5″ x 8.5″

Publication Date: 7/29//20

Paperback: 978-1-7332654-2-3 ($14.99)

E-Book: 978-1-7332654-3-0 ($4.99) [Amazon only]

Pages: 154

Natures of Fire: God’s Magnificent Angels

“Probably the only book on angels you’ll ever need!”

~Anthony DeStefano, bestselling author of A Travel Guide to Heaven

Real angels have nothing to do with the images you’ve seen on holy cards. Their natures are so full of God’s holiness that the only adequate image we have to describe them is fire.

This book will help you purge your mind of the false images of angels that our culture prefers and replace them with the vivid truths of the angelic world.

Publisher: Strength of Soul Books

Dimensions: 5.5″ x 8.5″

Publication Date: 4/4/21

Paperback: 978-1-7332654-4-7($11.99)

E-Book: 978-1-7332654-5-4 ($3.99) [Amazon only]

Pages: 150

The 7 Leadership Virtues of Joan of Arc

“Since the writing of human history, Joan of Arc is the only person, of either gender, who has ever held supreme command of the military forces of a nation at the age of seventeen.”

~Louis Kossuth

Among history’s leaders, Joan of Arc stands out as one of the preeminent figures. This small book tells the tale of her leadership virtues as a mystic and a warrior who obeyed the command of God to perform extraordinary deeds. Although she lived six hundred years ago, she is a leader we can still learn from today.

Publisher: Tremendous Leadership Books

Dimensions: 4″ x 6″

Publication Date: 6/18//20

Paperback: 978-1-949033-32-8 ($5.00)

E-Book: 978-1-949033-33-5 ($2.99) [Amazon]

Pages: 69

Juana de Arco y Las 7 Virtudes de Liderazgo

Juana de Arco se destaca como una de las figuras preeminentes entre los líderes de la historia. Esta breve obra cuenta la historia de sus virtudes de liderazgo como mística y guerrera que obedeció el mandato de Dios a realizar obras extraordinarias.

Juana de Arco era un líder incomparable. Aunque ella vivió hace seiscientos años es una líder de la que aún hoy podemos aprender.

Publisher: Strength of Soul Books

Dimensions: 5.5″ x 8.5″

Publication Date: 5/3/22

Paperback: 978-1-7332654-8-5 ($6.99)

E-Book: 978-1-7332654-0-9 ($4.99) [Amazon only]

Pages: 96