No Knot Too Tight: Short Reflections on Mary, Undoer of Knots

No Knot Too Tight: Short Reflections on Mary, Undoer of Knots



Paperback: 11.99

E-Book: 3.99 (Available from Amazon KDP only)




“Who is this that comes forth like the dawn, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army with banners?” (Song of Songs 6:10)

Centuries before the birth of Mary of Nazareth, the Song of Songs uttered a prophecy about her spiritual power. The Virgin Mary is not an army commander in a literal sense, but she has the power of an army to assist all the members of the Church Militant to live their Christian lives on this earth and make their way to heaven.

Mary does this by helping us unravel the “knots” of human existence. Based upon an apparition in the 1600s where Our Lady helped a married couple smooth out the tangled web of their broken marriage, Mary, Undoer of Knots helps all of her children with

  • Problems we create for ourselves
  • Injustices that are thrust upon us
  • Relationship dynamics gone wrong
  • Drastic decisions that need to be rectified
  • Personal anxieties, wounds, divisions, crises, and
  • Every manner of human need.

No Knot Too Tight is a series of 24 short, captivating reflections on how Mary works miracles in the lives of the faithful. She can undo the knots of your life too!


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